Sacred monsters (annulé)

La Monnaie (Brussels) : 10-05-2008, 20:00
choreographer Khan Akram
choreographer Min Lin Hwai
choreographer Tripathi Gauri Sharma
dramaturgist Cools Guy
set designer Hariu Shizuka
costume designer Ito Kei
lighting designer Kunttu Mikki

voicevan Peteghem Juliette, Mazhar Faheem
violinSluiter Alies
violoncelloSheppard Philip
percussionLinke Coordt

dancerGuillem Sylvie, Khan Akram

co-producerSadler's Wells Opera, Grand théâtre de Luxembourg, Les nuits de Fourvière, Lyon, Missno Limited

sponsorCouncil England, The Quercus Trust, The Bell Cohen Charitable Trust
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